Here is some information about buildings you can use. (this page can become outdated)
V3LD1N Store
This is where you can buy basic resources and special items with Emeralds, Block of Emeralds, and Velds (server currency). You can also buy Emeralds with items and Velds. (Designed by Ratchet, rebuilt by CCosenza)
Town Hall
You can get free maps and place ads here on the bulletin board for free. (Built by CCosenza and Ratchet)
Go here to get a discount from /kit HAAX, which features all diamond tools, weapons, and armor maxed out in enchantments, and a stack of experience, diamonds, and enchanted golden apples. Normally V5000, here it costs V4000 for the kit. (Built by CCosenza, redesigned by Ratchet)
V3LD1N Cafe
Get free basic foods and buy expensive foods. (Built by Ratchet and CCosenza)
V3LD1N Light
Mob Arena. Type /ma join to play, then right-click a sign to select a class. Right click a block of iron to start. Kill mobs to win items. (Built by Ratchet)
Castle of Opposing Forces
Nether Portals, beacon effects, and four houses. Also a store underground with nether items. (Built by Ratchet)
Free potions, beds and food. (Built by Ratchet)
A portal to the Nether, also features basic equipment. (Built by Ratchet)
Grasp of Doom
Gives you books that contain information about the server. (Built by CCosenza)
Carries 2 guides, free food, and 5 claimable houses. (Built by Ratchet)
Get book-related items and enchant your armory here. (Built by Ratchet)
Night Club
Dance, buy music discs, and get free items. (Built by Ratchet)
Amusement Park
Ride Rides and Play minigames. (Built by CCosenza)
Portal Room
Teleport between worlds. (Built by CCosenza, redesigned by Ratchet)
Temple of Celestia
Pray to Celestia and get free food and other items when you need them most (This is not a brony server, but the Temple is a reference to the show). (Built by Ratchet)
Train Stations
An easy way to get around V3LD1N and get a tour of the city; these stations are scattered about the city. (Started by Ratchet, continued by CCosenza)
V3LD1N Eclipse
Just like the hotel, but with much more rooms and way taller. Ratchet lives on the top floor here. (Built by Ratchet, revised by CCosenza and Ratchet)
Warp Room
Warp to all the buildings on this page and more here. (Built and redesigned buy CCosenza)

V3LD1N Tower
Just Like the Eclipse, except with more beacons and a train station. (Built by Ratchet, revised by CCosenza and Ratchet​)
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